Information for Clients

What IASIO service is right for me?


In partnership with the Irish Prison Service and the Probation Service, our mission is to provide a wide range of resettlement and reintegration supports to criminal justice clients, including access to training, education and employment.



The Linkage Service, for people who are on Probation, and the GATE Service and the Resettlement Service, for people in prison. Linkage Service Training & Employment Officers (TEO’s) are based in Probation offices nationwide and take referrals from Probation Officers only. GATE Service TEOs and Resettlement Service Coordinators (RC’s) are based in most Irish prisons and take referrals from someone in the prison, such as the Integrated Sentence Management (ISM) officer, psychologist, Medical Unit, Chaplain etc.


If you are on Probation, The Linkage Service Training and Employment Officer (TEO) can help you look at your options around getting a job, training placement, further education or college course, depending on your needs. It starts with guidance; exploring your interests and abilities, developing career goals then working towards them with the help of your TEO. They can help you with practical things like writing a CV, interview skills, filling in job applications and also support you in contacting employers, training providers etc.

The Linkage Service
job vacancies


The GATE Service also looks at your options for education, training and employment, but it is a prison based service. The GATE Service Training and Employment Officer (TEO) meets people serving a prison sentence; giving guidance and working towards a career goal, depending on the stage the person is at. The TEO works with the prisoner to look at their options for education, training & employment placements both while in prison and on release.


The Resettlement Service is a prison based service that helps people access the basic supports that they will need on release, like accommodation, a medical card, social welfare payments etc. The Resettlement Coordinator (RC) meets with the prisoner to see what their needs are, and develops a plan to help meet these needs before release. The RC will help with housing, medical card and social welfare applications and the RC will also manage these applications by contacting the relevant people and services on the prisoner’s behalf.

Programme Impacts

IASIO has successfully assisted over 31,000 people to gain education, training, employment and resettlement support since each of the Services began.

IASIO has been successfully assisting people to gain education, training and resettlement supports since 2000.

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