Information for clients

What are our services for those serving a Prison Sentence? 


Our prison based services can only be accessed through a referral from someone in the prison, such as the Integrated Sentence Management (ISM) officer, psychologist, Governor, Chief Officer, Medical Unit, Chaplain etc.

linkage and gate

The GATE Service

The GATE Service Training and Employment Officer can:

  • Provide life guidance
  • Help plan for release
  • Identify suitable training, education and employment opportunities and assist the prisoner in accessing these, both in prison and in the community.
  • Help with CV writing and interview skills.

The Resettlement Service

The Resettlement Coordinator can offer information, advice and support with the following:

  • Pre and post release planning
  • Access to emergency accommodation
  • Housing applications
  • Medical Card applications
  • Social Welfare benefits
  • Access to services after release e.g. mental health, addiction supports
  • Liaise with authorities and manage applications on behalf of the prisoner

If you are awaiting sentence and wish to be referred to one of our services, speak to someone in the prison such as the Integrated Sentence Management (ISM) officer, psychologist, Governor, Chief Officer, Medical Unit or Chaplain, who can make a referral to an IASIO TEO or RC at an appropriate stage of your sentence.

If you are seeking information on behalf of a prisoner, encourage them to speak to any of those listed above, and ask to be referred to one of our Services.

If you have any questions, please contact our head office on 01 866 2706.

IASIO has successfully assisted over 31,000 people to gain education, training, employment and resettlement support since each of the Services began.

IASIO has been successfully assisting people to gain education, training and resettlement supports since 2000.

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