Information for clients

Top 10 Interview Mistakes

Top 10 Interview Mistakes

A new survey has revealed the top mistakes that candidates make when going for a job.

According to a survey of employers, over half said that failing to do enough research in advance was one of the biggest downfalls for candidates, while nearly a third said that ‘showing off’ was a common failing.

A similar number said that not acting interested or engaging with the interviewer was a common problem, while others said that asking no questions at all about the role was also an issue.

A huge 94% of employers said that being too modest would not affect a prospective candidate’s chances.

The research, carried out by Barclay’s LifeSkills, also found that, in the head-to-head group interview scenarios, dominating the conversation and not listening to others ranked among the top errors.

Top 10 most common interview mistakes

  1. Failing to do your research
  2. Showing off
  3. Asking no questions
  4. Not acting interested or engaging with the interviewer
  5. Making up answers
  6. Lying about achievements
  7. Not dressing appropriately
  8. Rambling on
  9. Failing to explain what you will bring to the role
  10. Complaining about your current employer

If you have any questions, please contact our head office on 01 866 2706.

IASIO has successfully assisted over 31,000 people to gain education, training, employment and resettlement support since each of the Services began.

IASIO has been successfully assisting people to gain education, training and resettlement supports since 2000.