Information For Clients

The Community Return Scheme


The Community Return (CR) Scheme is an early release scheme where prisoners who meet certain criteria are assessed by the Irish Prison Service and offered early temporary release in return for doing community service. If you are placed on Community Return you will be supervised by the Probation Service and the expectations on you are similar to that of Community Service; you must complete the work on the days assigned for the length of time it was agreed.


While on Community Return, a Linkage Service Training and Employment Officer (TEO) can help you access services you may need to reintegrate into the community, such as:

• Social welfare applications
• Medical card applications
• Housing applications
• Access to addiction counselling/treatment services
• Referral to personal / family counselling services

Community Return clients receive a minimum of two appointments with a TEO following release, depending on your support needs. Once you have completed you CR requirements with the TEO, you may choose to request a referral to the Linkage Service Guidance & Placement Service which gives you the chance to start looking at your education, training and employment needs.

For more information on the Community Return Scheme, see The Probation Service CR page here

IASIO has successfully assisted over 31,000 people to gain education, training, employment and resettlement support since each of the Services began.

IASIO has been successfully assisting people to gain education, training and resettlement supports since 2000.