IASIO is committed to providing a quality service to all clients properly referred by its funders. IASIO clients should feel able to make a complaint if they are dissatisfied with the service they have received from IASIO staff. IASIO clients should know that:
We deal with queries in an open, objective and fair manner
Every complaint will be taken seriously and will receive immediate and swift attention
Complaints must be made within three months of the event

- Complaints should firstly be made to the appropriate Resettlement Coordinator (RC) or Training and Employment Officer (TEO) in an informal manner and the RC or TEO should take all reasonable action to address the issue.
- In the event that the issue cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of all parties, a formal complaint may be made in writing (post or email) by the client to the appropriate Manager. The Manager’s official contact details (office and email address) should be made available by the RC or TEO to the client for this purpose.
- The client should describe the issue in detail, with all relevant facts and dates, and include their name, address, email address and daytime telephone number. The client should also outline if possible any expectation he or she may have once a complaint has been submitted.
- The complaint will be thoroughly investigated by management and a decision reached as to its resolution
- Where it is deemed necessary, remedial action will be taken – including corrective action with IASIO practice, the member of staff involved or indeed the client should the complaint be found to be fraudulent.
IASIO promises to learn from its mistakes. To this end, we will take every care that each complaint receives prompt attention and will be treated in an objective manner and in the strictest confidence.