- Up to €10,000 tax free financial benefit
- Our professional staff carefully match the right person to the job following extensive screening and psychometric assessment, cutting down on recruitment costs for employers.
- Corporate Social Responsibility: Providing employment opportunities for suitably qualified candidates with a criminal record provides an extremely valuable service to the community in helping to reduce recidivism.
- Ex-offenders are often very committed, hardworking and loyal employees as they tend to appreciate the opportunity of a second chance.
- High quality skills training is provided in Irish prisons.
- There are a large number of highly skilled and motivated former offenders looking for employment. By focusing on previous criminal conduct, society deprives itself of the opportunity to enlist the talents, skills and energies of these individuals in whose development it has a vested interest. At the very least it is wasteful and inefficient for employers to discount such a significant pool of potential employees.