Information for Probation Officers

How to Access and Refer to IASIO’s Linkage Service

Making a referral to the Linkage Service

Making a referral to the Linkage Service

If you are interested in referring a client to IASIO’s Linkage Service please contact the Training and Employment Officer (TEO) in your area. A full list of TEO’s and the areas they cover can be found here.
IASIO Referral Forms and the Additional Referral Information Form required for certain offences can be found in the Probation Service internal documents library, or by requesting same from one of our TEO’s.

If you have any other queries please feel free to phone our Head Office on 01 866 2706.

IASIO has successfully assisted over 31,000 people to gain education, training, employment and resettlement support since each of the Services began.

IASIO has been successfully assisting people to gain education, training and resettlement supports since 2000.

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