- Association for Criminal Justice Research & Development: www.acjrd.ie
- Active Link: www.activelink.ie
- Business in the Community Ireland: www.bitc.ie
- Citizen Information Centres: www.citizensinformation.ie
- Department of Justice: https://www.justice.ie
- Department of Education: www.education.ie
- Department of Social Protection: www.welfare.ie
- Further Education & Training Course Hub (FETCH): www.fetchcourses.ie
- Garda Síochána: www.garda.ie
- Health Service Executive: www.hse.ie
- IBEC: www.ibec.ie
- Institute of Guidance Counsellors: www.igc.ie
- Irish Penal Reform Trust: www.iprt.ie
- Irish Prison Service: www.irishprisons.ie
- Le Chéile: www.lecheile.ie
- Mercy Law Resource Centre: www.mercylaw.ie
- Neuvoo (Job Search Engine): www.ie.neuvoo.com
- Probation Service: www.probation.ie
- Qualifax: www.qualifax.ie
- Small Firms Association: www.sfa.ie
- Solas: www.solas.ie
- Student Finance: www.studentfinance.ie
- Unlocking Potential: www.unlockpotential.ie
- Work Placement Experience Programme: https://www.gov.ie/en/service/95fe1-work-placement-experience-programme