IASIO is fully compliant with the new Charities Governance Code which sets sets out basic standards charity trustees should meet when it comes to managing their organisations. We confirm that a review of our organisation’s compliance with the principles in the Code was conducted and was based on an assessment of our organisational practice, as a complex charity, against the core and additional standards for each principle:
Principle 1: Advancing Charitable Purpose
Principle 2: Behaving with integrity
Principle 3: Leading people
Principle 4: Exercising control
Principle 5: Working effectively
Principle 6: Being accountable & transparent
We confirm that IASIO is committed to the core and additional standards outlined in these principles. We commit to reviewing our practice against the recommended actions for each principle each year.
Click on the link to download a copy of the IASIO Constitution.
IASIO works with a number of State agencies and is committed to the development and delivery of services to assist with primary needs and improve the employment opportunities of marginalised groups.
Irish Association For Social Inclusion Opportunities (IASIO), is a Not-For-Profit Organisation with Charitable Status (CHY20578) and Company Limited By Guarantee. Registered In Ireland No. 508840. Registered Charity no. 20578.
• Disclosures of Interest & Conflict of Loyalty Policy
• Roles and Responsibilities of Board
• Board Audit & Risk Committee Terms of Reference
• Protected Disclosures (Whistleblowers) Policy
• Code of Conduct for Board Members
• Feedback and Complaints Procedure